Corsair 8GB Kit (1x 8GB) 2133 MHz CL15 288-Pin DIMM DDR4 RAM Memory (CMV8GX4M1A2133C15)


8GB (1x8GB) DDR4 2133MHz DIMM 15-15-15-36 latency


Corsair built its reputation on performance memory that shines in the most demanding computing situations: extreme gaming and high-transaction processing environments. But not all computers are put to such extreme usage. So we brought the same reliability, testing and Corsair quality to a line of memory designed to support standard computing situations such as popular office applications. Now it’s one of our most popular memory lines. Backed with a lifetime warranty, it is memory you can rely on.
Customer Service / Tech support: 1-888-222-4346 opt. 1

8GB (1x8GB) DDR4
2133MHz DIMM
15-15-15-36 latency
Limited Lifetime Warranty
[amz_corss_sell asin=”B00SV7IILC”]

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